Climate Change?ccm_paging_p=2 Archives
Fending off the floods: how we can keep the water away
8th February 2016 | Shaun Pentlow: Associate Director, Rolton Group
Flooding was once again in the headlines over Christmas, with many parts of the UK suffering from the aftermath of extreme wet weather.
Fending off the floods: how we can keep the water away
8th February 2016 | Shaun Pentlow
Flooding was once again in the headlines over Christmas, with many parts of the UK suffering from the aftermath of extreme wet weather.
The End of the Oil Age?
4th September 2015 | Peter Rolton
I have written before about the fact that even though 30 percent of known oil reserves will have to stay in the ground if we are to curb climate change to within acceptable limits, eye-watering sums of money are still being spent on exploration for new reserves.
Resource Responsibility and the Global Carbon Crisis
5th March 2015 | Peter Rolton
Although it doesn’t feel so long ago, it has been almost two years since I wrote about the mounting risk of investing in fossil fuels; in short, great portions of the reserves we are currently spending billions per year to discover and explore will have to remain unburnt if we are to avoid more than 2°C of global temperature rise, leaving eye-wateringly valuable assets stranded under the ground and potentially creating a global financial crash far more serious than the one from which we are just starting to emerge.
Forcing the Floods out of Florida
27th June 2014 | Peter Rolton
Water management in Florida has never been easy. The area, made vulnerable by its coastal position and flat geography, has been blighted historically by both droughts and floods that have torn through to wreak damage upon both buildings and people.
The Populist Policy Problem
9th May 2014 | Peter Rolton
The forthcoming local and European elections are now less than two weeks away, and contending parties have been doggedly campaigning to increase their chances of securing seats both at home and in Brussels.