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Resource Responsibility and the Global Carbon Crisis

5th March 2015    |     Peter Rolton: Chairman, Rolton Group

Although it doesn’t feel so long ago, it has been almost two years since I wrote about the mounting risk of investing in fossil fuels; in short, great portions of the reserves we are currently spending billions per year to discover and explore will have to remain unburnt if we are to avoid more than 2°C of global temperature rise, leaving eye-wateringly valuable assets stranded under the ground and potentially creating a global financial crash far more serious than the one from which we are just starting to emerge.


Nuclear Physics... Almost

Rolton Group

20th September 2013    |     Peter Rolton

‘Every action has an equal and opposite reaction’, that’s basic physics. Apply it to the global energy situation and it’s easy to see that something’s got to give: consumption is not so much creeping up as it is hurtling skyward, and natural sources of energy are dwindling with remarkable speed.


Green Deal: Mean Deal?

Rolton Group

24th May 2013    |     Peter Rolton

My first musings on the Green Deal argued that homeowners, businesses and politicians alike should welcome it with open arms.


Glimpsing the summit from Ecobuild

Rolton Group

22nd March 2013    |     Paul King

This week we are delighted to feature a guest blog from Paul King, Chief Executive of the UK Green Building Council, who writes of the challenges which lay in wait over the coming years as we make the necessary transition to a more sustainable Britain.


Davey Falters in the Forum

Rolton Group

22nd February 2013    |     Kate Roche

When Energy and Climate Change Secretary Ed Davey opened the floor to questions about the Green Deal from the online forum Mumsnet, he worked hard to get users on-side, greeting everyone to whom he was responding personally and sprinkling his answers generously with friendly exclamation marks.


The Darkening Skyline of "Greyjing"

Rolton Group

29th January 2013    |     Peter Rolton

One of the world’s busiest cities brought to a standstill. Flights grounded. Schools deserted. Half-completed construction work abandoned. Shelves empty of the protective masks that were plentifully stocked only days ago…


Now is Not the Time to COP out of Climate Commitments

Rolton Group

28th November 2012    |     Tom Warwick

Since its creation in 1994, the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has held annual Conference of Parties (COP) meetings to assess the progress in dealing with climate change.