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Leading the charge towards an electric vehicle future
22nd November 2018 | Chris Evans: Deputy Managing Director
After recently authoring an article for New Power, Deputy Managing Director, Chris Evans, summarises his thoughts from the piece exploring the evolving electric vehicle (EV) landscape and the challenges and opportunities that lie on the road ahead.
Leading the charge towards an electric vehicle future
22nd November 2018 | Chris Evans
After recently authoring an article for New Power, Deputy Managing Director, Chris Evans, summarises his thoughts from the piece exploring the evolving electric vehicle (EV) landscape and the challenges and opportunities that lie on the road ahead.
Electric vehicles - driving towards an energy dilemma
26th June 2017 | Peter Rolton
Our Chairman Peter Rolton has been featured in this month's edition of Energy World, with a thought piece exploring the evolving electric vehicle landscape and the challenges that lie on the road ahead.
Who’s looking after our sewers?
3rd January 2017 | Shaun Pentlow
The following article explains the legislative progress that has been made so far for the UK’s private sewer transfer, highlighting the key points and influences along with our predictions regarding the timescales for change; a great read for land owners, developers, planners and in fact anyone that needs to keep up-to-date when it comes to the design and implementation of foul drainage infrastructure.
Fending off the floods: how we can keep the water away
8th February 2016 | Shaun Pentlow
Flooding was once again in the headlines over Christmas, with many parts of the UK suffering from the aftermath of extreme wet weather.
Resource Responsibility and the Global Carbon Crisis
5th March 2015 | Peter Rolton
Although it doesn’t feel so long ago, it has been almost two years since I wrote about the mounting risk of investing in fossil fuels; in short, great portions of the reserves we are currently spending billions per year to discover and explore will have to remain unburnt if we are to avoid more than 2°C of global temperature rise, leaving eye-wateringly valuable assets stranded under the ground and potentially creating a global financial crash far more serious than the one from which we are just starting to emerge.
Community Energy: Re-energizing the Local Power Scene
5th January 2015 | Peter Rolton
I’ve been writing about the need for a reconfiguration of British energy for a long time. On the infrastructural side things are a mess, and they don’t look any better from the spare capacity perspective, nor from the fuel poverty angle.