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The Economics of Clean Energy

24th September 2015    |     Peter Rolton: Chairman, Rolton Group

Winding the clock back to the start of parliament in 2010, I’m sure we all remember David Cameron promising to deliver ‘the greenest government ever’, with rhetoric about taking the necessary hard decisions to ensure we are equipped for a prosperous and low-carbon future.


Nuclear Physics... Almost

Rolton Group

20th September 2013    |     Peter Rolton

‘Every action has an equal and opposite reaction’, that’s basic physics. Apply it to the global energy situation and it’s easy to see that something’s got to give: consumption is not so much creeping up as it is hurtling skyward, and natural sources of energy are dwindling with remarkable speed.


Generate your own Energy

Rolton Group

9th August 2013    |     Marc Sobbohi

Cutting your energy costs in half. Having your own power station. Buying energy at wholesale prices. Coming off the grid. All of this sounds fanciful, but that’s the future of manufacturing, according to energy expert Peter Rolton.


UK Misses its Renewable Energy Target for 2011/12

Rolton Group

1st August 2013    |     Annie Reece

The UK has missed its 2011/12 target of producing four per cent of energy from renewable sources, and has seen a sharp rise in the use of coal for energy, statistics released by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) have shown.


Is 'realism' the new name for the green agenda?

Rolton Group

26th July 2013    |     Peter Rolton

It’s nothing new; we all know that a debate needs at least two opposing sides and that the world would be a dull place if everyone always agreed.


Shale gas: the latest bandaid for UK energy supply

Rolton Group

5th July 2013    |     Tom Warwick

When preliminary tests for shale gas potential in the UK began in 2010, the results were fairly modest.


The Business Case for Sustainability

Rolton Group

14th June 2013    |     Kate Roche

The very narrowly overturned move that sought to amend the UK Energy Bill with a 2030 decarbonisation target said some interesting, if slightly predictable, things about the state of national politics.