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September 2015


The Economics of Clean Energy

24th September 2015    |     Peter Rolton: Chairman, Rolton Group

Winding the clock back to the start of parliament in 2010, I’m sure we all remember David Cameron promising to deliver ‘the greenest government ever’, with rhetoric about taking the necessary hard decisions to ensure we are equipped for a prosperous and low-carbon future.


Posts from September 2015

The Economics of Clean Energy

Clean Energy

24th September 2015    |     Peter Rolton

Winding the clock back to the start of parliament in 2010, I’m sure we all remember David Cameron promising to deliver ‘the greenest government ever’, with rhetoric about taking the necessary hard decisions to ensure we are equipped for a prosperous and low-carbon future.


The End of the Oil Age?

Rolton Group

4th September 2015    |     Peter Rolton

I have written before about the fact that even though 30 percent of known oil reserves will have to stay in the ground if we are to curb climate change to within acceptable limits, eye-watering sums of money are still being spent on exploration for new reserves.