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April 2014


Refuse-Derived Fuel and the UK’s Waste Management Woes

11th April 2014    |     Peter Rolton: Chairman, Rolton Group

In 1996, landfill tax was introduced at a rate of £8 per tonne to encourage councils and businesses to develop more robust recycling programmes.


Posts from April 2014

Refuse-Derived Fuel and the UK’s Waste Management Woes

Rolton Group

11th April 2014    |     Peter Rolton

In 1996, landfill tax was introduced at a rate of £8 per tonne to encourage councils and businesses to develop more robust recycling programmes.


Independence vs. Oil Dependence: The Scottish Referendum

Rolton Group

4th April 2014    |     Peter Rolton

The Scottish independence referendum is drawing near, with an accompanying debate that grows more convoluted by the day. Both sides of the argument have long since reached fever pitch, with the ‘Yes’ team calling foul play over British government’s refusal to allow an independent Scotland access to sterling currency and the ‘No’ team claiming that the SNP will falter when it comes to joining the European Union as a separate state.