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Power to the People

29th November 2013    |     Peter Rolton: Chairman, Rolton Group

Between the end of WWII and the 1980s, the UK’s energy ran through a nationalised infrastructure, sharing a state-owned commonality with the majority of other British services and utilities.


Posts from 2013

Davey and Goliath

Rolton Group

23rd October 2013    |     Peter Rolton

In the fight between Osborne and Davey, only one side can win; whatever the result, the ramifications for the future of UK energy will be much more significant than simply bruised egos.


Are We Missing the (Hinkley) Point?

Rolton Group

22nd October 2013    |     Peter Rolton

It’s been a tense time in the energy sector recently, with the furore over rising energy bills and accusations of profiteering taking over national headlines. Each successive announcement of price hikes has further soured consumer feeling, and eyes have turned to the government in search of some decisive response.


Setting up camp in the policy battlefield

Rolton Group

18th October 2013    |     Kate Roche

At this time of year, attention frequently turns to fuel prices; year on year they climb higher, adding to a cost of living that thousands already struggle to contend with. There are many reasons for the continual increases, each of which makes its way into the media to fall on one side of the fence or the other.


How long can we remain blind to blackouts?

Rolton Group

11th October 2013    |     Peter Rolton

Well, the inevitable has happened: ‘Blackout Britain’ has made its way back into the news as the National Grid announces that this winter brings with it the highest risk of power cuts in six years. Not that it’s anything to be smug about, but this news isn’t really new…


The Opportunities of New District Heating

Rolton Group

4th October 2013    |     Peter Rolton

When the Department for Energy and Climate Change announced the launch of a £6 million funding programme for the development of district heating and cooling networks across the UK, I was relieved. Energy policy in the UK often plays to the tune of ‘one step forward, two steps backwards’, so to have some clear and undoubtedly positive direction from the government is welcome in my eyes.


Ed Miliband: Playing with fire by freezing prices

Rolton Group

27th September 2013    |     Peter Rolton

Last weekend, Greg Barker MP was in the news speaking out in defence of recent profits recorded by energy companies in the UK.